Can someone tell me why Hulu keeps demanding me to logon every so many days on the same device? Really, this is getting old, people have so many user names and passwords that it becomes a real "pain in the apps" for those that dont use finger print recognition, like Hulu. Netflix doesnt have finger print ID either, but then they dont make you login again and again. You really need to fix this before customers like me who have Netflix & Hulu drops the apps that make it difficult to use.
Hulu doesnt seem to allow posting to support within the app either, even though they have a menu item that says" contact support." I typed this stupid text in twice, then rebooted and still got a message that said, "oops, something went wrong, please try again." I think what they really mean is "go away and die?"
Speaking of "trying again," why is it when Im resuming a show on Hulu, it frequently plays a little bit from where I left off, goes blank, then starts from the very beginning... this is not the essence of "resume" folks; however, it does remind me of another word that starts with a "R" ... "RESET," Stop doing this! Netflix never does this and neither does cable TV, perhaps Hulu is trying to start a new fad? Heres the thing, this isnt new Hulu, my friends and I experienced" soft resets" all the time back in the 70s when dropping a hit of acid. Thats expected when youre doing drugs, but not when youre trying to watch a movie!
MSLeach about Hulu: Stream TV shows & movies, v4.10.1