A late April fools joke?
I hope anyway. The new Apple TV UI is HORRIBLE!! It looks pretty but using it is another story. Jarring animations, endless scrolling, and browsing for something to watch is a nightmare. The new "Lineup" shows recommendations couldnt be more off and there is no way to fine-tune recommendations. You dont like them? Too bad. At least thats what I was told when I called customer support.
New episodes? There is no way to know now. Hulu wont tell you anymore. You just get an alphabetical list of anything you add in to "My Stuff", then select the show, select the season, select the episode, select details to see when it aired or if youve already watched it. You used to be able to see that at a glance, now you have to go through endless sub-menus get this info.
The one saving grace is that is still works with the TV app on Apple TV so you can still get Hulu content without having to use the horrible Hulu app.
Try again, Hulu. It couldnt get any worse.
JFSR about
Hulu: Stream TV shows & movies, v4.10.1