I use this to cast to my tv. Sometimes the cast icon doesnt even show up, and I have to open and close the app repeatedly to get it to come up. Also, if pause the show for longer than a few minutes, it disconnects. Super irritating when youve paused it to answer a call or run into the kitchen to do a little dinner prep. Also, its not as easy to navigate as Netflix. Cant really look up other tv shows as well or even look up episode info. All in all, it has a lot of good shows, but it could use a few tweaks.
Oh, and Im hard of hearing so I have to use captioning. Even though I have the captioning on in the settings, I have to go in each time I open up the app and turn it back on. That shouldnt happen. If Ive set it to be on, the captioning should come on automatically.
Kd659 about Hulu: Stream TV shows & movies, v4.10.1